Hear it from our previous EiRs

Lanch in
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"Wir wollen unsere Pizzen in jede deutsche Kleinstadt bringen"

Internet-Entertainer Knossi hat 100 Happy Slice Restaurants angeschlossen.
Knossi & Trymacs

Wieso Knossi und Trymacs für eine Pizza mit dem Fallschirm abspringen

Die beiden Influencer Trymacs und Knossi launchen eine eigene Pizza.
Knossi & Trymacs

So wollen Knossi, Trymacs und viele Promi-Investoren die Ghost-Kitchen-Idee neu erfinden

Neben den Streamern investieren unter anderem Holtzbrinck Ventures.
Knossi & Trymacs

Lieferessen unter fremder Flagge

Frittiertes Loco Chicken vom Rapper Luciano, Happy-Slice-Pizza von Knossi.
Knossi & Trymacs

Der Hahn und sein Hühnerhaufen

Der Berliner Luciano ist der reichweitenstärkste Rapper Deutschlands.
Knossi & Trymacs

Rapper Luciano hat mehrere Fast-Food-Filialen in Deutschland eröffnet

Neue Fast-Food-Kette eröffnet 100 "Filialen" an einem Tag in Deutschland.
Knossi & Trymacs

Wie Lanch Internetstars zu Gastronomen macht

Die Streamer Knossi und Trymacs eröffneten über Nacht zig Restaurants.
Knossi & Trymacs

Our Entrepreneur Program is open again

Learn all about startups here 🚀🛠️

Hands-On Entrepreneurship

Learn everything about Entrepreneurship (by doing it)

Mentor Match

Get assigned a mentor from the leadership team to support your growth

Department Rotation

Rotate between 2 departments (data, finance, marketing, project mngmt)

Founder Chats

Join monthly talks from EU’s best founders - exclusive for LANCH

Fundraising Intensive

Learn how to raise money in a full-day coaching session → Pitch deck writing, fundraising strategy, team selection

This position is for YOU if you want to build your own startup.

Apply Now
Get hands-on experiences
+ exclusive coaching & mentorship.

At LANCH, you get everyday insights from the most successful brands in Germany:

Participant voices

- Paulo


The Entrepreneur in Residence Program at LANCH has been the best development investment I made so far in my career.

You’ll be surrounded by smart, ambitious minds and work on insightful, hands-on projects with lots of speed and impact. Within a few months I’ve tackled projects ranging from data analysis to hiring processes.

Projects I’ve worked on:

Partner Dashboard:

Built and managed an internal web application dashboard tool for our 80+ gastronomy partners to allow them to track their most relevant performance and revenue metrics.

Cluster analysis:

Conducted a food order analysis, analyzing 250.000+ data points to infer performance conclusions based on the population size of the areas our partners operate in.

Hiring process:

Collaborated with Luca to streamline our hiring process, implementing several micro-processes for active lead generation, different talent acquisition channels, and offer generation. As you see in the article above, we could fill 18 roles in appr. 2 months.

- Luca


If you are looking for a versatile, hands-on experience with remarkable impact early on in your career, this program is made for you.

Look forward to a plethora of interesting projects ranging from marketing to operations. You own your projects 100%, have an active say on what you think is important, and can dig into issues really bringing the business. Believe a former consultant: The better consulting experience!

Few of my highlights:

Owning our recruiting sprint:

Introduced end-to-end hiring process at LANCH together with Paulo, migrated applicant management to new tool, and being the first point of contact for >300 candidates

Reshaping our central operations department:

Redesigned function scope of our central operations department including launch of new tools or development of new processes

Getting in touch with Luciano & Co.:

Co-planned our Happy Slice bustour and Loco Store Opening and had the chance to meet and chat with Knossi, trymacs, Luciano and many more